Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hair Straightener?

I'm a boy. I straighten my hair. Everybody at my school and on my soccer team knows about it, and they make fun of me. I'm getting really mad at everyone because whay should they care wht my hair looks like or what I do to it? It looks better straighened than when it's not. What should I do, Stop, or keep sraightening it?Hair Straightener?
If you like it straight, keep it. So what if you want to have good hair? Just their hair isn't quite up to par doesn't mean they should make fun of you. And try not to care. They don't have to all straighten their hair just because you do. If it makes you happy, continue to do it. (And they might be speaking out of jealousy or low self esteem.) Good luck with your hair dilemma. =]Hair Straightener?
You know the reason as to why you have your hair straightened and the other people don't know so, just do what you feel makes you happy, proud and comfortable. You know what? People will always talk, You cant stop them. Just don't bother whenever they talk and with time, they will leave you alone. What you should do is, whenever they talk, dont answer them, try as much as you can to pretend as though you have not heard.
you shouldn't let the other people get to you. if you like how it

looks straightened then just keep doing it. i'm a girl, and i don't

think there's anything wrong with guys that straighten their hair :)

once they see that you don't care what they think, they'll stop

making fun of your for it. it'll get old really fast and no one will

be talking about it anymore.

you shouldnt feel down because they make you feel down its your hair and its good that you keep it looking nice!

i think that you should keep on what your doing as it's worth it and u may get some girls ;)

hoped this helped!

keep on going

my best friends a guy - he straightens his hair - people noticed it at first and talked but it looks great and they cant say it doesn't

so they got over it

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