Monday, January 30, 2012

Hair straightener : hot or not?

Your able to straighten your hair everyday ,no matter what other have informed you it will not dehydrate your hair or damage it. Only if you don't put back the moisture in your hair which you should be doing anyways.It is easier to mange when it is straight as of opposed to when it is curly.Try using a ceramic one so that it wont damage your hair and is more efficient.the only way it can look all nasty is if you dint cut your hair tips every 6-8 weeks to cut off dead hair and or split ends%26gt;if these problems do occur Use anti-split products.Found in nearest retail shop... Walmart,shoppers,beauty shopsHair straightener : hot or not?
for me hot.Hair straightener : hot or not?
I prefer doing them only on special occasions. If you do it too often your hair will become burnt and dry and damaged and it will look disgusting.
hot, but only a few times a week, otherwise your hair will become burnt, brittle, and you will get split ends ALOT faster with the overuse of the hair straightener. If you want your hair to be straight all the time, maybe you should look into getting a chemical straightening, or a temporary one that you can find in any drugstore or wal-mart/target.
whatever you want it to be.

for me they are hot
hot... especially if you have very thick hair... if you have thin hair, you can still straighten your hair, but ask your hair dresser for a spray that will make sure that your hair doesn't fall out or break.
Its definately HOT but too much of it can damage yr hair. If u really want to do it, u should go to the saloons. SHISHEDO brand is the best.
Definitely hot. It doesn't have to torch your hair. Use a good product with tourmaline/ceramic plates and a great styling aid that will protect your hair from the heat; there are tons of them around. Never hold the iron in any one spot; keep it slowly moving. I find hot irons LESS damaging than curling irons for that very reason; you don't have to hold the curl in place.

NOTHING is more damaging than straightening treatments. I don't care if you use a hot iron every day, 3 times a day, nothing does more damage than chemical relaxers.
curly hair is really in now . straight year just seems and looks boring. i say hot on somedays totally not on all days . im sure you look great with or with it any way
very hot

tat's the point of a hair straightener- heat..

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